Welcome to Jean's Virtual Administrative Solutions

You focus on your business---I'll focus on everything else.

Contact Me Now!
Jean Visser in Maroon blazer

You love being the owner of your own business.
It's your dream come true.

But you find you’re stretched too thin, feeling overwhelmed and mired in the endless duties that must be performed.

Don’t let routine tasks and responsibilities prevent you from reaching your full business potential.

Let me help you take control of your workload and unlock your productivity today!

I’m Jean Visser. You focus on your business–I’ll focus on everything else.

Contact Me Now!

Value Statement

My passion is to help others by supporting them in ways that lead to their best results. I want to see you and your business become all you want it to be, and I will work with you toward that end. You can count on me to bring my passion and professionalism to the job every day. I'm excited to see what we can accomplish together!
Jean Visser wearing sweater

Meet Jean, Your Administrative Advocate

Hi, I’m Jean Visser, a Christian woman entrepreneur.
I am a Virtual Assistant, a highly qualified and knowledgeable person who can remotely provide administrative support in any way you need which will help you build your business. I love using my skills and my 20 years of executive administrative experience in a Fortune 100 company to help make your business all you want it to be.

Doing everything yourself wastes your time and expertise, holding you back. With a Virtual Assistant, you'll be able to focus your strengths and professional skills on taking care of your clients while having more time to apply yourself to growing your business. Also, it's easier and more cost effective compared to hiring a full- or part-time employee.

I will work with you to understand your specific needs and provide solutions tailored to your business. More than that, I will be a trusted partner, walking alongside you in your business, ready to step in and solve problems, make suggestions, and lighten your load.

Let me help you achieve your professional goals, manage your work/life challenges, and free up your time. As your Virtual Assistant with experience, a great attitude, and strong skills, together we can work magic!
Contact Me Now!

Exceptional Virtual Administrative Support

Work With Me And Reclaim Your Time And Energy

As your Virtual Assistant, here are a few of the ways that I can help you achieve your professional goals.

Email Management and Organization

Do you dread facing your email inbox? Using exceptional organizational skills, I will help you overcome that fear once and for all. You'll find yourself looking forward to checking your email each day!

Writing, Editing, Proofreading

I will create, edit, and proofread your blog posts, articles, newsletters, correspondence, or email campaigns so everything looks great when published.

Presentations, Spreadsheets, Databases

Whether it's in Microsoft or Google, I can create eye-catching presentations and create and manage the information in your spreadsheets and databases.

Research and Reporting

I am an experienced researcher and will happily dive into the material you need and produce a top-notch report to help you make well-informed decisions.

Project Management, Meeting and Event Planning

Managing projects or planning your meetings and events is something I enjoy digging into, so hand those tasks off to me.

Customer Service

Blessed with excellent communication skills and an upbeat attitude, I present a cheerful, helpful face to customers, both current and potential.

BLOG - See what's on Jean's mind.